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The Water Resources Report was developed and is maintained by Hodge.WaterResources, LLC. On a daily basis, the Report accesses the Twitter feeds of state organizations that have a role in managing water resources. The Report searches each Twitter feed for mentions of water bodies and maps each one it finds. You can use the Report to see what’s happening near you and throughout the country.


Social media can be a source of immense amounts of data on a range of topics. The major challenge in harnessing that data to support an initiative is to make that data intelligible. The goal of the Water Resources Report is just that. The Report distills useful information from social media about water resources across the United States. The Report can be a tool for scientists, engineers, advocates, and all stakeholders to learn about, discuss, and keep current with activity on a specific water body.

Application Structure

The Report is a web application that interacts with the United States Geological Survey (USGS) Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) and Twitter. The Report itself is presented as a map of locations with the ability to review tweets that are relevant to a given location. The following figure provides a work-flow schematic for the Report.

Water Resources Report Workflow

The server-side components of the report are built with node.js. The Report uses the Twitter Application Program Interface (API) to get the most recent tweets from a given Twitter user (typically a state agency/authority). The Report then reads each tweet searching for keywords (e.g., "lake", "stream", "bay", etc.). If the Report finds a keyword, it then builds a set of potential water body names based on the content of the tweet. The Report then sends an API request to the USGS GNIS to see if there is a record that matches each potential name. If the USGS GNIS confirms that a record exists for a potential name, the Report makes an educated guess on which potential name/record is the correct one and initiates a database update.

The Report uses a PostgreSQL database to store tweet/location pairs. The Report only stores tweet identification numbers in the database and pairs them with locations; it does not store any metadata about who made the tweet or the content of the tweet. The locations are used on the website at WaterResourcesReport.com as a part of an Angular web app. The app includes a Leaflet.js and D3.js map of the United States that plots out each location that is part of the Report. Each location is color-coded based on how recent the tweet is (red: within the last two days, blue: more than ten days old) and size-coded by the number of tweets at the location (larger: more tweets, smaller: fewer tweets). Users can click on a location to see the tweets about that location or look at recent tweets and click a map marker to zoom to the relevant location.

Tweet of the Day

Hodge.WaterResources, LLC reviews recent tweets daily and picks their favorite to be showcased on the homepage of the Report.

Future Enhancements

The Report is always being improved, whether through additional content, adjustments to existing data, or enhancements to the app itself. Future enhancements to the Report will likely include:

  • the capability for super-users to make corrections to locations
  • A spatial query allowing the user to see all the tweets within a given window of the map
If you have features that you would like to see added, contact us.

Report Follows

The Report is always looking for new Twitter accounts to follow that will provide insights about water resources. Currently the Report follows these accounts.

State Agency Name Handle
Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation@AlaskaDEC
Alaska Department of Natural Resources: State Parks@AlaskaStParks
Arizona Department of Environmental Quality@ArizonaDEQ
Arizona Department of Water Resources@azwater
Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality@ArkansasDEQ
California Department of Water Resources@CA_DWR
California Environmental Protection Agency@CaliforniaEPA
California State Water Resources Control Board@CaWaterBoards
Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment@CDPHE
Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection@ConnDEEP
Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection Fisheries Division @CTFishingInfo
Delaware Department of Natural Resources And Environmental Control@YourDNREC
Florida Department of Environmental Protection@FLDEPNews
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission@MyFWC, @MyFWClife
Georgia Department of Natural Resources Wildlife Resources Division@GeorgiaWild
Georgia Soil and Water Conservation Commission@GaSoilandWater
Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources@dlnr
Idaho Department of Environmental Quality@IdahoDEQ
Idaho Department of Fish and Game@idfg
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency@ILEPA
Indiana Department of Environmental Management@idemnews
Indiana Department of Natural Resources@INdnrnews
Iowa Department of Natural Resources@iowadnr
Kansas Department of Health and Environment@KDHE
Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet: Department for Environmental Protection@KYDEP
Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality@LOUISIANA_DEQ
Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries@LDWF
Maine Department of Environmental Protection@maine_dep
Maryland Department of Natural Resources@MarylandDNR
Maryland Department of the Environment@MDEnvironment
Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation@MassDCR
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection@MassDEP
Massachusetts Department of Fish & Game@MassDFG
Massachusetts Department of Fish & Game Division of Ecological Restoration@MassEcoRestore
Massachusetts Department of Fish & Game Division of Marine Fisheries@MassDMF
Michigan Department of Natural Resources: Fisheries@MDNR_Fisheries
Michigan Department of Environmental Protection@MichiganDEQ
Michigan Department of Natural Resources@MichiganDNR
Minnesota Board of Water & Soil Resources@MNBWSR
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources@mndnr
Minnesota Environmental Quality Board@MnEQB
Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality@mdeq
Mississippi Wildlife, Fisheries, & Parks@MDWFPonline
Missouri Department of Conservation@MDC_online
Missouri Department of Natural Resources@MoDNR
Montana Department of Environmental Quality@MTDEQ
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks@MontanaFWP
Nevada Department of Conservation & Natural Resources@NevDCNR
New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services@NHDES
New York State Department of Environmental Control@NYSDEC
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality@NCDEQ
North Dakota Department of Health@NDDOH
North Dakota Parks and Recreation Department@NDparkrec
Ohio Department of Natural Resources@ohiodnr
Ohio Environmental Protection Agency@OhioEPA
Oklahoma Conservation Commission@Conservation_OK
Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality@OklahomaDEQ
Oregon Department of Environmental Quality@OregonDEQ
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection@PennsylvaniaDEP
Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources State Parks@visitPAparks
Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management@RhodeIslandDEM
South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks@SDGameFishParks
South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control@scdhec
South Carolina Department of Natural Resources@SCDNR
Tennessee Department of Environment & Conservation@TNEnvironment
Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency@tnwildlife
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality@TCEQNews
Texas Water Development Board@twdb
Utah Department of Natural Resources@UtahDNR
Utah Department of Natural Resources Division of Water Resources Conservation Program@UTAHSavesH2O
Utah Department of Environmental Quality@UtahDEQ
Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department Agency of Natural Resources@VTFishWildlife
Vermont Agency of Natural Resources@VTANR
Virginia Department of Environmental Quality@VirginiaDEQ
Virginia Department of Game & Inland Fisheries@VDGIF
Washington DC Department of Energy & Environment@DOEE_DC
Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife@WDFW
Washington Department of Natural Resources@waDNR
Washington State Department of Ecology@EcologyWA
West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection@DEPWV
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources@WDNR
Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality@Wyoming_DEQ
Wyoming Game & Fish Department@WGFD
NGO Name                                 Handle
Massachusetts Congress of Lakes and Pond Associations@MA_COLAP
Mystic River Watershed Association@MysticMyRWA
Housatonic Valley Association@HVAtoday
Massachusetts River Alliance@massriversallia
Private Name                             Handle